So honestly I'm split on this. I am still connected through friends and family, and I was certainly at one point the local golden boy and in the "inner circle". There are people I know that very much are as Mr Theocratic described (great name btw). I have a couple friends who basically believe its nonsense, and have even said as much. But they still play the game.
As a JW apologist I used to assert something I still think is true to an extent. EVERYONE sits int he KH with varying degrees of faith in this or that, one thing or another. One person thinks blood is BS, another thinks the generation teaching is ridiculous, and maybe someone else is there because the people are nice and its all they know and don't really have a basis of faith. All of those things are true. Everyone, has "doubts" about things. That to me isn't surprising. But beyond the occasional complaint, they nod their heads and still kind of do their own thing unless a large amount of social pressure comes on.
So I don't know if I can subscribe to the idea that there is a turning of the tide so to speak with these things coming down recently. People know I no longer attend, and many have remained friendly, invited us out, and more. They throw in a few things here and there sometimes. Little jabs to try to bring me back. Its mainly funny. But it reveals them as true believers. I still think this is the vast majority. The people that have seen the strings on the puppet show maybe complain or have knowledge they feel may be special, but what is important is what you DO, not what you THINK.
that is true of all of us too. At one point i realized what I was DOING, was hypocrisy even if I personally was out mentally. So I changed my behavior to not support even by attendance or anything ancillary, the organization.